
Thanks so much for clicking on my blog! My name is Sarah and I am 25 years old. I love fashion, beauty, the outdoors, being active and I also have Type 1 Diabetes!

I've been interested in fashion and beauty for the majority of my life, but never really knew how to dress my body properly. I was always the chubby tom-boy, always hanging out with the guys and I was never fully happy with how I was perceived. I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when I was 19, and I soon after developed an Eating Disorder called Diabulimia. I spent years struggling with this dangerous disease and almost died. After I decided to get professional help I was still unhappy with my body and the way it looked. On my 25th birthday I decided to finally take my life into my hands and start my self love journey! I am trying one day at a time to love myself, and be compassionate. Ever since then I have been growing as a person and learning about what I truly love to do! 

I am using this blog as a open diary for myself to document my life and how I am recovering from my eating disorder. I really hope that this might be a useful tool for other people that are going through similar things in their life. I want to inspire those who are afraid to get out and reach for their own goals. I want to help people who are struggling with body/confidence issues, or who are struggling with an Eating Disorder like Diabulimia. I want to educate those who have a loved one with Type 1 Diabetes, or those newly diagnosed who are scared. I just want this to be a place that everyone feels welcomed and loved. This is my journey, and I hope you follow along with me! 

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